Simulate & Log AVR

Below are steps to run AVR program on AtmelStudio simulator and log register values.

  1. Debug > Start Debugging and Break
  2. Debug > Set Stimulifile > Select test.stim (see below)
  3. Debug > Execute Stimulifile
  4. Debug > Continue


#include <avr/io.h>       // For DDRB, PORTB, PORTB5.
#include <avr/sfr_defs.h> // For _BV().

int main(void)
	// Set pin PB5 as output.
	DDRB |= _BV(DDB5);
	while (true)
		// Drive pin PB5 high.
		// Drive pin PB5 low.
		PORTB &= ~(_BV(PORTB5));


// Log DDRB and PORTB registers
$log DDRB
$log PORTB

// Save result in "output.sim"
$startlog output.stim

// Log for 20 clock cycles



Results are appended to the end of existing file. If register values do not change, nothing will be added to the file. Only changes are recorded.


DDRB = 0x20
PORTB = 0x20
PORTB = 0x00
PORTB = 0x20
PORTB = 0x00
PORTB = 0x20
PORTB = 0x00

After 1 cycle, DDRB changed to 0x20.

Then, after another 1 cycle, PORTB changed to 0x20.

2 cycles afterwards, PORTB changed to 0x00.

... and so on.